Thursday, October 2, 2014

Library day!

Happy Thursday! I was so happy to go to the library today! We started with 100 Mile Club, then came into the room and got ready to go to the library. After the library, we watched a Gooru video on the agricultural revolution, then shared our writing. After that, we chose pictures to accompany our agricultural revolution writing.
In math, we took a practice test that I created on our new program Illuminate. Then we played Jeopardy to review solving one step equations.
I passed out a list of adverbs and adjectives that would be good to add to writing. We will work with that tomorrow.
Finally, we had science rotations.


  • read for 30 minutes
  • fluency 1 minute (quiz tomorrow)
  • spelling practice test
  • writing: it was a dark and stormy night...
  • my math group finish practice 2-6


  1. This math is really hard. I never did understand anything to do with fractions, anyway.

  2. Hi Ms.wells its christian
